Ireland’s ambitious solar-generated electricity target has increased from 1.5GW-2.5GW to 8GW by 2030. Recently, Ireland has seen many solar farms reaching the construction stage. At MKO, we specialise in site identification, assisting landowner interactions, conducting surveys and submitting robust planning applications for solar farm projects.
Our GIS and Digital team uses advanced geospatial software and well-practised techniques to locate new solar sites. High-level search criteria tend to be applied first, for instance, conducting searches around substations that may have available capacity and connectivity. At a more detailed level, our team can assess constraints specific to new potential sites, for example, assessing nearby planning applications and investigating suitable topography, slope aspect, distance from houses or flood zone proximity.
Last year, our Ecology team supported several solar projects and advised that bat surveys be carefully considered, as omitting these can slow the process down considerably. In most cases, surveys do not need to be extensive and should mainly focus on getting baseline information for the site relating to bat activity/species assemblage and rule out any large roosts on site or near the development site. This could also be important if post-construction monitoring was requested on such projects.
Our Ornithology team has provided their expertise for bird-specific survey requirements. As ornithological surveys may not be required on all sites, each development would be considered on its own merits. The types of ornithological surveys that are required will depend on the scale of the development and the likely sensitivity of the local avian community.
From a planning perspective, our team has conducted many feasibility assessments and planning applications, for which we regularly receive granted permissions. Our team advise on whether applications are likely to be successful and how to negotiate these to get closer to approved projects.
Once solar farms are operational, conducting regular inspections helps the productivity and efficiency of generated electricity. Our drone surveys team identifies defects and inefficiencies that are not visible to the naked eye and can deliver these results on interactive online portals. The data captured is at a centimetre scale resolution and can inform maintenance teams quickly which areas need attention.