
Nurturing and preserving natural ecosystems.

Hike Group


Our Ecology Team is one of Ireland’s largest, full-time professional ecology practices.

We work nationwide, and our expertise spans all aspects of terrestrial, freshwater, coastal and marine ecology. We work across the public and private sectors and provide strategic advice to clients on complex ecological issues, including interactions with the planning and other consent processes. We produce high-quality ecological outputs that can facilitate the delivery of Ireland’s largest infrastructure and conservation projects.

Experts in this field

Key contacts for our Ecology team

  • John Hynes

    John Hynes

    Ecology Director


  • Pat Roberts

    Pat Roberts

    Principal Ecologist


  • Corey Cannon

    Corey Cannon

    Project Director, Ecology


  • Sarah Mullen

    Sarah Mullen

    Project Director, Ecology



ECOLOGY Key Services

Comprehensive ecology services for effective project outcomes.

Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA)

We prepare comprehensive Ecological Impact Assessments (EcIA) as either stand-alone reports or for use as chapters of an Environmental Impact Assessment. Our EcIA process is solutions-focused, avoiding impacts by design and proposing mitigating to avoid and reduce impacts on biodiversity.

Habitats Directive Assessment

We advise and guide clients through all stages of the Appropriate Assessment (AA) process: AA Screening, natura impact statement/report, assessment of alternatives and Imperative Reasons of Overriding Public Interest (IROPI). Our expert knowledge of the requirements, pitfalls and nuances of habitats directive assessments has been honed by completing thousands of assessments for our private and public sector clients.

Habitat surveys and mapping

Habitat surveying and habitat mapping are fundamental components of practically every ecological project we undertake. We survey terrestrial, freshwater, coastal and marine habitats in accordance with industry best practice standards.

Protected species surveys

Protected species often require dedicated surveys, either as part of impact assessment reporting or for conservation research projects. On land, mammal and flora surveys are the most common.

Invasive species surveys and management

Invasive species are regularly encountered during development and conservation projects. MKO has experience conducting site surveys, mapping infestation extents, providing advice on management and treatment options, preparing management plans and supervising treatment activities.

Ecological management, conservation, and research

Our expert team has experience preparing ecological management plans, conservation strategies and ecological audit reports. We cater for private and public sector clients, including state agencies and government departments.

Conservation Detection Dogs

The use of Conservation Detection Dogs to protect and preserve our natural environment is becoming an ever more efficient and popular survey method worldwide. Our Detection team works nationwide, monitoring bird and bat collision mortality at wind farm site. The information gathered during surveys is used to identify mitigation strategies to avoid and reduce impacts on wildlife.

Freshwater and aquatic ecology

Our services include electrofishing, environmental DNA sampling, aquatic invertebrate sampling, and watercourse habitat appraisal assessments. Our team regularly undertake surveys for Freshwater Pearl Mussel, salmonids, lamprey, and white-clawed crayfish.

Marine mammal observation

Our team includes experienced and certified marine mammal observers. We undertake land-based offshore surveys for marine mammals and have experience conducting marine mammal observation monitoring for development projects.

Biodiversity Net Gain reporting

We assist clients by identifying the baseline value of sites and their predicted future biodiversity value after implementing biodiversity gain measures. We offer this service to clients who want to improve the biodiversity of existing sites and those wishing to incorporate net gain into new development proposals.

Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW)

We provide an Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW) service to public and private sector clients to facilitate compliance with planning consent conditions. This often includes preconstruction ecological surveys, review of method statements and construction management plans, construction site supervision and audit reporting.

Drone surveys

Our drone survey team conduct high-resolution aerial and thermal surveys, enabling objective and quantitative spatial analysis of ecological constraints, providing valuable insights when combined with traditional surveying methods.

Invasive species – Rhododendron Digital Twin

Case Study

Selected projects

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    Ardderroo Wind Farm, Co. Galway

    MKO secured planning permission, on behalf of Ardderroo Windfarm Ltd.

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    Barrigone Waste Management

    MKO was the overall project manager responsible for preparing the EIAR and planning application.

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    Castlemore Quarry extension

    MKO was commissioned by Roadstone to prepare an Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) to accompany a planning application for a vertical extension to Castlemore Quarry, Co. Cork.

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    Coillte Hazelwood Forest

    MKO has been commissioned by Coillte Nature to establish a number of long-term biodiversity monitoring plots in the woodland habitats at Hazelwood Forest, Co. Sligo.

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Contact us

We’ll support your project at every step, with our expert team providing customised solutions.

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