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Glenveagh Knocknacarra Urban Village

MKO secured planning permission on behalf of our client, Glenveagh Living Ltd, in April 2024, for the provision of 227 no. residential apartments in seven no. blocks ranging in height from 2-5 storeys in height and including approx. 1,009 sq.m of commercial floorspace and all associated works including a public plaza at Knocknacarra District Centre, Galway. MKO provided planning, project management and environmental consultancy services to the project and worked with a multi-disciplinary design team to develop and deliver the various inputs required to support the planning application.

Glenveagh 1

Glenveagh 2

Glenveagh 3

Project challenges

MKO led our client and design team in extensive consultations with Galway County Council at the pre-application stage of this project to ensure that all matters that were of particular interest or concern to the Planning Authority were identified, discussed and resolved prior to the planning application being submitted. MKO also assisted our client in the undertaking of community engagement in the form of attending information evenings in the lead-up to the lodgement of the planning application.

Planning permission for the proposed development was granted without the requirement for any further information to be provided to the planning authority, which is exceedingly rare for a project of this scale and complexity. No third-party appeal was submitted to An Bord Pleanála in respect of Galway County Council’s decision.

MKO prepared an Environmental Impact Assessment Report and a Natura Impact Statement which both accompanied the planning application. As with any project of this scale, on a greenfield site in an urban area, a multitude of planning and environmental challenges arose throughout the course of the project, all of which were resolved through engagement with our client, the design team and Planning Authority.

Main services provided


Planning consultancy

Provision of planning advice to the applicant and multi-disciplinary design team. MKO led the pre-application engagement with Galway City Council and prepared the planning application for the proposed development.


Environmental services

Preparation of an Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) and Construction and Environmental Management Plan. Co-ordinating a large design team in the preparation of the EIAR.


Ecological services

Undertaking of ecological survey and assessment of the application site and the proposed development and the preparation of Ecological Impact Assessment and a Natura Impact Statement to accompany the planning application.


Project Management services

Our Project Management team
project managed the entirety of the project programme from
inception to planning application submission.

Contact us

We’ll support your project at every step, with our expert team providing customised solutions.

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