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Three castles – Terryland Castle, Merlin Castle and Menlo Castle

MKO provided all the required ecological services for the conservation works undertaken at Terryland Castle, Merlin Castle and Menlo Castle in Galway City. The three castles are historic buildings and iconic structures within Galway City and require conservation work to prevent them from falling into further disrepair. Menlo Castle and Terryland Castle are located adjacent to the Lough Corrib Special Area of Conservation (SAC), and all three provide high-quality habitats for biodiversity.

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Project challenges

MKO is working collaboratively with the project team to ensure that the necessary conservation works are undertaken in a manner that is sympathetic to the wildlife that inhabits the castles and the surrounding areas and that there are no significant impacts on any protected species. Measures to enhance the value of the buildings for wildlife have been incorporated within the project design.

MKO has undertaken surveys to assess the ecological value of the castles and has recorded significant bat activity and nesting birds, including barn owl, swift and kestrel. Measures have been undertaken to minimise or avoid any effects on these and other protected species and to ensure that their habitat is protected and enhanced through the undertaking of conservation works.

Main services provided


Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA) of the works


Appropriate Assessment screening of the works


Enhancement measures

Design of enhancement measures to provide additional habitat for protected species.


Supervision of works

Supervision of the proposed works to ensure mitigation is successful.


Ongoing liaison

Ongoing liaison with the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS).


Ongoing monitoring

Ongoing monitoring of protected species at the sites.

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