Tubbercurry Public Realm Enhancements Project – Part 8
MKO secured planning permission via the Part 8 Planning Process for public realm enhancements within the town centre of Tubbercurry, comprising the redevelopment of the former Mary Brennan’s building to create a new multi-use public building, public realm enhancements to Wolfe Tone Square, Teeling Street and Mountain Road, including increased pedestrian areas and connectivity through the town, a new shelter/covered space, new street furniture, hard and soft landscaping, road realignments and alterations to car parking around Wolfe Tone Square, Teeling Street and Mountain Road, realignments to The Lane (LS 8705-0) and the R294, and development of bus half-set down areas on Wolfe Tone Square and Teeling Street on behalf of Sligo County Council.