This year, just over 360MW of renewable energy projects that our Environmental team has brought through the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process have been granted planning permission. These are South Seskin Wind Farm in Co. Mayo (~126MW), Booltiagh Wind Farm (Lifetime Extension) in Co. Clare (18 MW), Borrisbeg Wind Farm in Co. Tipperary (~63MW) and Ballivor Wind Farm in counties Meath and Westmeath (~160MW). Once operational, not only will these projects contribute to achieving the national renewable energy target of 9GW installed onshore wind energy capacity (Ireland is currently at ~4.7GW), but they will also bring significant community benefit funds to local communities during their operation. It is projected that they will generate approximately 300 to 350 jobs during their construction phase.
Over this year, our Environmental team has submitted, just over 450MWs of renewable energy projects into the planning process. The team are finalising the Sceirde Rocks Offshore wind farm (~450MW) application. Sceirde Rocks is one of the six Phase 1 offshore projects that are key to achieving Ireland’s offshore wind target of 5GW by 2030.
Our team also brought several large infrastructure developments through the EIA process to successful planning permission. Developments such as the Glanway Waste Facility in Belview Port, Co. Kilkenny Glenveagh Knocknacarra large-scale residential development, Co. Galway and Lomaunaghbaun Quarry in Co. Galway.
We are also pleased to announce a collaboration between MKO and Dr. Eugene Farrell, a leading coastal researcher in Ireland, aimed at advancing Nature-based Solutions (NbS) in Ireland’s coastal and transitional waters. This initiative, commissioned by the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage (DHLGH), represents a significant step towards sustainable environmental management and restoration. The research project focused on identifying NbS initiatives with the potential to address ecological challenges in these critical habitats. By considering NbS in the Irish context, the study aimed to provide evidence-based recommendations to guide future environmental policies for Ireland. This collaboration highlights the importance of integrating scientific research with practical solutions to address ecological challenges and promote sustainable coastal management. We look forward to sharing the published report in early 2025.

Lomaunaghbaun Quarry, Co. Galway
Our team prepared an EIAR for a proposed sand quarry, Tuam, Co. Galway. The site was a 6.2 hectare greenfield site and EIA was mandatory given that the area of the proposed site exceeded the threshold of five hectares for quarries as outlined in Part 2 Schedule 5 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 (as amended). The proposed development also consisted of the installation of a new site entrance, site offices and a sand washing and processing plant. MKO lodged the initial planning application inclusive of an EIAR to Galway County Council (GCC) in January 2024. A Further Information (FI) request was issued by GCC in April 2024. This FI request focused predominantly on the road infrastructure to and from the site as the local authority had concerns about additional Heavy Goods Vehicle (HGV) movements on the existing local roads. Preparation of the response to the FI request involved commissioning traffic and transport engineers to carry out assessments on the existing road network as well as structural integrity assessments on several bridges in the locality. A comprehensive response to the FI request was submitted to GCC in June 2024 and a grant of permission was given in September 2024.

Granted wind farm projects
South Seskin (~126MW granted) – Granted in March 2024. The Wind Farm, with 18 no. turbines with a tip height of 200m and was conditioned for a 35-year operational period. 100 – 120 jobs during its construction.
Booltiagh (Lifetime Extension)(18MWs granted) – Granted in July 2024. An existing 12-turbine wind farm was granted a ten-year extension of lifetime.
Borrisbeg (63MWs granted) – Granted in September 2024. The Wind Farm comprises 9 no. turbines, with a tip height of 185m and was conditioned for a 30-year operational life.
Ballivor (~160MWs granted) – Granted in November 2024. The Wind Farm comprises 26 no. turbines, with a tip height of 185m and was granted a 30-year operational life.
Submitted wind farm projects
Laurclavagh (56MW applied for) – Applied for 8 no. turbines with a 30-year operational life.
Seskin (46MW applied for) – 21 no. turbines with a 35-year operational life have been applied for.
Kilgarvan (Repowering) (73MW applied for) – Applied for 11 no. turbines and a 35-year operational life.
Clonbern (79MW applied for) – Applied for 11 no. turbines and a 35-year operational life.
Lackeragh (46MW applied for) – Applied for 7 no. turbines and a 35-year operational life.
Knockshanvo (65MW applied for) – Applied for 9 no. turbines and a 35-year operational life.

Granted non-wind projects
Glenveagh Knocknacarra – Large Scale Residential Development
- Large-scale residential development consisting of 227 residential apartments.
- An EIAR and Natura Impact Statement (NIS) were prepared in respect of the proposed development.
- Granted in April 2024 by An Bord Pleanála.
Glanway Ltd – Unit 2, Belview Port, Co. Kilkenny
- The development to allow for the acceptance, unloading and storage of non-hazardous waste.
- An EIAR and Natura Impact Statement (NIS) were prepared in respect of the proposed development.
- Granted in May 2024 by Kilkenny County Council.
Lomaunaghbaun Quarry, Tuam Co. Galway
- The development of a quarry for the extraction of sand over an area of approximately 6.2 hectares.
- An EIAR and NIS were prepared in respect of the proposed development.
- Granted in September 2024 by Galway County Council.
Submitted Non-Wind Farm Projects
Ballyquin Quarry Extraction and Restoration
- Extraction, processing and washing of sand and gravel,
- Infilling and restoration of an existing and future quarry void.
Nenagh Wastewater Treatment Plant
- Upgrade of the existing Nenagh Wastewater Treatment Plant (WwTP) at Nenagh, Co. Tipperary from its current design Population Equivalent (PE) of 12,000 to a PE of 22,000.
Asphalt Plant, Creeves Quarry, Co. Limerick
- Development of an asphalt plant including electrical substation, storage shed and gas storage unit at Creeves Quarry, Co. Limerick.