
EPA publish research on conditions for groundwater-dependent terrestrial ecosystems

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has published new guidance following research carried out in relation to Environmental supporting conditions for groundwater-dependent terrestrial ecosystems.

The research project was undertaken with the aim of advancing existing methodology in assessing and defining the metrics which quantify the environmental supporting conditions required for groundwater dependant terrestrial ecosystems, and focussed on raised bogs, turloughs and fens. By evaluating existing data and undertaking additional field studies, the researchers evaluated and developed new methodology for the assessment and definition of appropriate ecohydrological metrics to help policymakers conserve and/or restore wetlands, particularly with respect to meeting the objectives of the Water Framework Directive and Habitats Directive as applied to ground-water dependant terrestrial ecosystems in Ireland.

As such, the document represents a valuable new reference source for any ecologists and environmental scientists undertaking the assessment of wetland habitats and in the preparation of habitat restoration/rehabilitation plans for projects.


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