EIAR Reports

How MKO can assist with your wind energy project

MKO has been at the cutting edge of Irish wind energy planning for the last decade, providing advice on over 3GW of onshore wind projects, successfully delivered hundreds of megawatts of projects through the planning system, and seeing more than a dozen projects right the way through to construction to commercial operation. Our in-depth industry insight has proved invaluable to our clients, and we intend to stay at the cutting edge in years to come by continuing to provide the best advice to our clients to help them maximise the potential of their projects.

As well as Project Communications, we also have the expertise to prepare robust Environmental Impact Assessment Reports, advise on Strategic Infrastructure Development, provide project planning and management strategies, prepare planning applications, conduct landscape and visual impact assessment, carry out bat and breeding bird surveys, carry out site selection and identification, and secure land consents and access rights.

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