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Local authorities inviting noise action plan submissions

EU Directive 2002/49/EC requires EU states to publish strategic noise maps and noise management plans every five years. The plans focus chiefly on transport noise – noise from traffic on major roads, rail movements on major railway lines, and aircraft activity at major airports. The ultimate objective of the Directive and the associated noise action plans is to reduce the number of EU citizens exposed to elevated noise levels, as such levels have been shown to cause long-term health effects.

In Ireland, each local authority is required to issue an updated noise action plan every five years. The noise action plan for each county estimates the number of citizens exposed to transport noise levels above specified criteria and proposes measures to reduce this number. Given that road traffic noise is usually the dominant contributor, plans typically focus on measures to reduce road noise such as barriers, quieter surfaces, and detailed assessment of projects where it is proposed to build new houses in areas subject to high traffic noise. At MKO, we undertake such assessments routinely for large residential developments.

Most local authorities are currently updating their noise action plans, and have invited members of the public to comment on initial draft versions. Once finalised, each plan will dictate local authority noise policy for the next five years. So now is your chance to have your say. If you have a view on transport noise in your area, check out your local authority’s website to make a submission during the consultation stage.

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