Summer birdwatching

Summer birdwatching spots

Calling all birdwatchers! Our Ornithologists have picked their favourite spots in each county across Ireland for summer bird-watching. From resident favorites to exciting migrants, there’s something for everyone. So grab your binoculars and get ready for an adventure!

CountyLocationThis location is good for spotting…
AntrimRathlin IslandCorncrake, Puffin, Kittiwake, Gannet, Razorbill and Guillemot
ClareMounthshannon HarbourWhite-Tailed Eagle (Holy Island)
CorkHarpers Island WetlandsNesting Sand Martin Wall
CorkGlengarriff and Garinish IslandWhite-tailed Eagle
DonegalTory IslandCorncrake, Puffin and Breeding Waders
DonegalInch Wetland ReserveColony of Sandwich Tern and Black-headed Gulls
DonegalBlanket NookSwallows, House Martins, common terns and swifts, Great Spotted Woodpecker or Kingfisher, and Yellowhammer
DublinIreland’s EyeCormorant, Herring Gull, Kittiwake, Gannet, Guillemot, and Razorbill
DublinRogerstown Estuary and Turvey Nature ReserveVarious
DublinDalkey IslandArctic Tern, Breeding Gulls and Oystercatchers
GalwayLough Derg (Portumna)White-Tailed Eagle
KerryView from Castlegregory to Maherees IslandsCommon, Arctic, Little and Sandwich Terns
KildarePollardstown FenReed Warbler, Sedge Warbler, Water Rail, Snipe, Little Grebe, Kestrel, and Buzzard
LouthLurgangreen (Dundalk Bay)Common Sandpiper, Terns, Wheatear, Gulls, and Osprey (regularly occurring, but not breeding)
MayoAnnagh Marsh, BelmulletRed-necked Phalarope and Lapwing
OffalyLough BooraGrey Partridge, Breeding Waders e.g. Lapwing
WaterfordArdmore Cliff WalkKittiwake Colony, Chough, Kestrel and occasionally Peregrine
WexfordGreat SalteeGannet, Puffin and Manx Shearwater, Razorbill, Guillemot, Kittiwake, Shag, Great Black-backed Gull and Fulmar
WexfordOur Lady’s Island LakeRoseate Tern, Sandwich Tern, Arctic Tern, Common Tern and Mediterranean Gull and Black-headed Gull
WicklowKilcooleLittle Tern Colony
WicklowAvocaRed Kite
WicklowEast Coast Nature ReserveRoseate Tern, Sandwich Tern, Arctic Tern, Common Tern Mediterranean Gull and Black-headed Gull
WicklowWicklow MountainsPeregrine, Merlin, Red Grouse, Great Spotted Woodpecker
WicklowVale of ClaraWood Warbler, Goosander and Great Spotted Woodpecker


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