MKO is revolutionising the standard approach to community engagement using tried and tested methods enhanced by emerging cutting-edge technologies.
Our dedicated team specialises in community consultation, event management, media management, and political engagement, supported by digital technologies. We understand the challenges, the audiences, and the objectives of renewable energy projects.
Getting community buy-in and minimising objections can be a challenge. Effective communication is often the foundation of successful projects. To successfully deliver a project, the receiving community must be consulted with, informed, listened to, and ultimately benefit. From inception to completion and beyond, MKO has the experience to bring the receiving community on the project journey ensuring its successful delivery.
MKO expertise
At MKO, our Project Communications team are experts in engaging with communities to bring them on a journey from project inception to completion and beyond, so they feel part of this energy transformation movement.
Active listening, community engagement, and traditional methods and cutting-edge technologies are at the heart of what MKO delivers on behalf of our clients and to the benefit of the host communities.
MKO has the in-house resources to develop a dedicated project website, including domain hosting; design project branding to include leaflets and letters; develop maps; create videos; develop photo montages and offer TrueView visuals. Our digital team can develop an interactive community engagement database that is updated to provide real-time updates to our clients on community interactions. We will manage a dedicated phone line and email address set up to support the project.
Why are Project Communications necessary?
Projects communications are necessary to:
- Prevent a communications vacuum opening;
- Eliminate suspicion, intrigue, and conspiracy theories;
- Create a two-way dialogue;
- Bring communities on a journey;
- Ensure the hosting community is accurately informed about the project;
- Ensure the developer adheres to best practices for the successful delivery of their project;
- Ensure more efficient and the successful delivery of the project; and
- Comply with planning requirements.
MKO service offering
- Community Engagement Strategy development;
- Geographical area and stakeholder mapping;
- Provide Community Liaison Officer;
- Household consultation;
- Consultation with community groups, clubs, and societies;
- Project collateral development – website, leaflets, letters, digital surveys, photo montages, TrueView Visuals;
- GIS mapping and analysis;
- Community Report (for planning);
- Public Information Events;
- Virtual Consultation Rooms;
- Media and Public Relations Management;
- Community Gain Plan administration; and
- Strategic communications.