Bat Surveys

Preserving and studying these fascinating winged creatures.

Hike Group

Bat Surveys

All bat species in Ireland are protected under national and European legislation. At MKO, we have the largest dedicated bat team in Ireland.

Our Bat Ecologists are trained and licenced for specialised survey work, including the use of thermal cameras, endoscopic equipment, and sonogram analysis. Our team specialise in survey scope, design input, impact assessment and mitigations aimed at safeguarding bats. Our team has experience with projects from small-scale demolitions or heritage building renovations to large-scale residential and renewable energy developments, carrying out surveys and providing mitigation and compensation measures in line with best practice guidance.

Experts in this field

Key contacts for our dedicated Bat Surveys team

  • Aoife Joyce

    Aoife Joyce

    Project Director, Ecology (Bats)



Bats Key Services

Comprehensive bats services for effective project outcomes.

Bat suitability appraisals

As part of walkover surveys, habitat features are assessed for suitability for roosting, foraging and commuting bats.

Daylight inspections

Inspections are carried out on artificial structures and trees to identify potential roosting features, as well as locating roosts and access/exit points to inform additional survey efforts and mitigation recommendations.

Bioacoustic monitoring

Full spectrum SM4 and SM-Mini (Wildlife Acoustics, Maynard, MA, USA) static detectors are deployed on-site to capture activity patterns and species composition over long periods of time.

Manual activity surveys – roosts

Two or more surveyors perform presence/absence surveys on potential roosting features and/or roost classification surveys on confirmed roosts using full-spectrum, handheld detectors (Batlogger M – Elekon AG, Lucerne, Switzerland).

Manual activity surveys – transects

Two or more surveyors perform walked and/or driven transects to visually assess activity patterns of commuting and foraging bats across a site.

Derogation licences

Preparation of derogation licence applications to NPWS where the potential to affect roosting bats and/or their roosting spaces has been identified. It is an offence to proceed with such works without a licence.

Site supervision

Our Ecologists provide bat-specific site supervision and pre-commencement services in relation to building demolitions, roof renovations, bridge works and other projects with the potential to harm or disturb bats.

Wind energy developments

MKO has the equipment and surveyor capacity for large renewable energy developments in line with NatureScot 2021 and NIEA 2022 Guidelines.

Conservation Detection Dogs

Our LANTRA certified conservation detection team uses specially trained dogs to monitor bat and bird collision mortality at wind farm sites nationwide. The dog lead searches occur around operational turbines, including collision monitoring surveys, searcher efficiency, and carcass removal trials. The results of the surveys, when combined with passive detector surveys, are used to inform mitigation and monitoring strategies to help safeguard bats throughout the lifetime of a project.

Case Study

Selected projects

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    Three castles

    MKO provided all the required ecological services for the conservation works undertaken at Terryland Castle, Merlin Castle and Menlo Castle in Galway City.

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    Ardderroo Wind Farm, Co. Galway

    MKO secured planning permission, on behalf of Ardderroo Windfarm Ltd.

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    N59 Road Upgrade Scheme, Maam Cross, Co Galway

    MKO was commissioned by Clare Civil Engineering (CCE) to fulfil the role of Project Environmental Manager for this development during its construction phase.

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