
Safeguarding and sustaining our natural surroundings.

Hike Group


Our Environmental Team provide services across multiple industry sectors, including commercial, residential, quarrying and aggregates, greenways, waste management, water and wastewater services, manufacturing, pharmaceutical and forestry.

Our comprehensive service offerings include environmental assessment and management, waste licencing, EPA licensing and compliance, environmental due diligence, environmental monitoring, and strategic environmental assessments. Our extensive industry knowledge means we deliver complex and challenging projects to the highest standards for our clients.

Experts in this field

Key contacts for our Environmental team

  • Michael Watson

    Michael Watson

    Environmental Director


  • Sean Creedon

    Sean Creedon

    Associate Director, Environmental (Renewables)


  • Eoin OSullivan

    Eoin O’Sullivan

    Project Director, Environmental



Environmental Key Services

Comprehensive environmental services for effective project outcomes.

Environmental Impact Assessment Reports (EIAR)

We prepare robust EIAR reports taking account of the latest requirements of the EU EIA Directive and national guidance. Our reports are written to stay ahead of emerging best-practice and ensure projects withstand legal challenges.

Environmental Clerk of Works (ECoW)

As the ECoW on construction projects, we provide an on-site presence to assist contractors and developers in completing their job while ensuring that all required measures are implemented to meet any planning or regulatory requirements.

Construction Environmental Management Plans (CEMPs)

Our CEMPs document how a proposed development can be delivered through a construction phase while adhering to relevant environmental best-practice.

Waste licensing, permitting and registrations

We advise on all types of licenses and permits the waste industry requires. These include Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) licenses or local authority waste facility permits, Certificates of Registration (CoRs) or waste collection permits.

EPA licensing and compliance

We represent and act for clients in interactions with the EPA. This extends to all forms of licensing the Agency is responsible for, including waste licensing, Industrial Emissions Directive (IED), and Integrated Pollution Control (IPC) licenses.

Contaminated land, environmental due diligence, ground, and groundwater risk assessment

Our team are experienced technical specialists in the investigation and assessment of brownfield sites. We provide environmental due diligence services to clients who wish to understand the environmental liabilities associated with land acquisition. We also offer advice on the available options for material and waste management.

Environmental monitoring and reporting

Our environmental monitoring capabilities span groundwater, surface water and dust. We own and operate an extensive array of automatic water quality monitoring devices (SONDES), providing our clients with access to valuable real-time, long-term water quality data relating to their site or project.

Waste management plans (construction/operational)

Our waste management plans can be prepared for projects’ construction or operational phase to identify the types and volumes of waste arisings, opportunities for reuse and recycling or, where necessary, recovery or disposal.

Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEA)

We prepare SEAs for plans and programmes to comply with the SEA Directive and Irish legislation requirements and assist authorities, agencies, and regulatory bodies in fulfilling their obligations.

Wind monitoring

We deploy ZX300 LiDAR units, instruments used to measure wind speed and direction at various heights above ground level and have several applications, particularity in the renewables sector.

Drone survey applications

Our drone, equipped with a thermal camera, provides data that is not visible to the eye, providing utility across a diverse range of environmental disciplines, including water pollution detection, water flow accumulation, topography mapping and surface classifications.

Case Study

Selected Projects

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    Derrinlough Wind Farm

    MKO secured planning permission for a wind farm development, on behalf of Bord na Móna Powergen Ltd at Derrinlough, Co Offaly.

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    Barrigone Waste Management

    MKO was the overall project manager responsible for preparing the EIAR and planning application.

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    Finnegans Sand Quarry

    MKO was commissioned by Finnegans Sand Ltd. to prepare a Planning and Environmental Report (PER), to accompany a planning application for an extension to the existing Finnegans Sand Quarry,

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    Castlemore Quarry extension

    MKO was commissioned by Roadstone to prepare an Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) to accompany a planning application for a vertical extension to Castlemore Quarry, Co. Cork.

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Contact us

We’ll support your project at every step, with our expert team providing customised solutions.

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